Brookside Dental Patient Before Porcelain Veneers
Brookside Dental Patient After Porcelain Veneers
Bellevue Porcelain Veneers are also called dental veneers, porcelain veneers or dental porcelain laminates. They are one of cosmetic dentistry's more recent and successful developments, which are wafer-thin shells of porcelain that are bonded onto the front side of teeth and that also cover the biting edge of the teeth. They can be an excellent cosmetic dental solution for a variety of problems including teeth that are stained, chipped, or slightly misaligned.
Porcelain Veneers are used for beautiful smile makeovers by Bellevue Cosmetic Dentists every day. Their uses include closing gaps between teeth, fixing chipped teeth, improving a gummy smile, lengthening short teeth, and generally improving your overall smile. With Bellevue Dentist Porcelain Veneers you can choose the shade, shape, and degree of whiteness that you want for your teeth. At Brookside Dental, Bellevue, WA, we have an on-site porcelain artist that will make a new smile just as you would imagine it.
Porcelain Veneers are one of the most recent applications of combining art and science in the area of cosmetic dentistry. For decades dentists have had materials which can bond to tooth enamel and give beautiful new smiles. Cosmetic dentists use the bonding capabilities of certain dental materials to securely attach a thin sheet of porcelain, which is the porcelain veneer, to an individual tooth. These thin veneers of porcelain are attached so that they cover the front of the tooth as well as the biting surface of the tooth that has the veneer. Although porcelain is inherently brittle, it becomes very strong and durable when it is firmly bonded to a sturdy substructure like a tooth.
An advantage of using porcelain veneers to create a new beautiful smile instead of another type of cosmetic dental bonding material is that the veneers become the permanent tooth covering which creates a very life-like tooth appearance. Additionally, these porcelain veneer coverings that have created your new smile are not susceptible to tooth decay. A significant advantage of porcelain veneers over other types of cosmetic dental bonding is related to the fact that a porcelain veneer's surface is just that, porcelain. Since porcelain is ceramic, or glass-like, its surface is extremely smooth and impervious so it will not pick up permanent stains and the color will not change because they are resistant to stains such as tea, coffee, red wine, grape juice, and cigarette smoking.
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It is a lovely blog thank you.
ReplyDeleteDental Endodontics Ohio
Agreed. With veneers, the appearance of the teeth can be changed into a more aesthetically pleasing look.
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Thanks the comments.
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